Observations - Brolga
Observations of brolga nest in south west Victoria from Bob McPherson.

Brolga images from SWIFFT contributors

A pair of brolgas at Western Treatment Plant, 4th January 2022. Note: one egg in nest and one abandoned near the water. Image courtesy of Marie Williams.
Observations of a flock of Brolgas near Lake Bolac, May 2022
Note: Images were taken Approx. 400m away from the flock with a 600mm lens and a 1.4x teleconverter so as not to disturb the birds.

Part of a flock of at least 26 Brolgas observed near Lake Bolac. Image: Mark Purnell, May 2022

Part of a flock of at least 26 Brolgas observed near Lake Bolac. Image: Mark Purnell, May 2022

Part of a flock of at least 26 Brolgas observed near Lake Bolac. Note leg bands on the far-right bird. This bird was fitted with leg bands (Yellow/metal/green) as a juvenile bird at Willaura in 2011 which makes it about 11.5 years old when observed by Mark Purnell, May 2022. Leg band information provided by Brolga Recovery Team. Image: Mark Purnell.