High priority threatened flora North West Victoria
The following list comprises a selection of threatened flora that has been identified as being high priority in North West Victoria. The high priority rating is based on a combination of the importance of the species and high level of concern within a particular bioregion. These species have been identified as requiring either full commitment or substantive participation within the bioregion indicated and is based on information from the Bioregional Network Analysis (BNA) for each bioregion (Lowe et al 2000).
In addition to the above BNA priorities, this list also includes high priority threatened flora in the North West that have specific management actions specified in the (DEPI Actions for Biodiversity Conservation database).
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Yellow Swainson-pea Swainsona pyrophila Status: vulnerable |
Bioregion key | ||||||||||||
Quick find high priority threatened species | click on Family or common name in list |
Flowering plants | |
Family | Indicator threat.sp. in North West |
Asteraceae | (Daisy) |
Boraginaceae | (Heliotrope) |
Brassicaceae | (Peppercress) |
Callitrichaceae | (Water-starwort) |
Casuarinaceae | (Sheoak) |
Chenopodiaceae | (Salt bush) |
Cupressaceae | (Cypress-pine) |
Cyperaceae | (Sedge) |
Dilleniaceae | (Guinea-flower) |
Eriocaulaceae | (Pipewort) |
Euphorbiaceae | (Spurge) |
Fabaceae | (Bush-pea) |
Haloragaceae | (Water-milfoil) |
Lamiaceae | (Westringia) |
Liliaceae | (Lilly) |
Loranthaceae | (Mistletoe) |
Malveae | (Lantern-flower) |
Mimosaceae | (Wattle) |
Myoporaceae | (Emu-bush) |
Myrtaceae | (Gum) |
Orchidaceae | (Orchid) |
Plantaginaceae | (Western Water-starwort) |
Poaceae | (Native grass) |
Polygalaceae | (Milkwort) |
Rhamnaceae | (Spyridium) |
Rutaceae | (Star-bush) |
Santalaceae | (Sandalwood) |
Scrophulariaceae | (Eyebright) |
Zannichelliaceae | (Water-mat) |
Northern Plains Grassland Community | |
Semi-arid Herbaceous Pine - Buloke Woodland Community |
Ferns & Mosses | ||
Common name | Botanical name | Priority bioregion |
no high priority ferns & mosses currently considered | ||
Flowering plants | ||
Botanical name | Common name | Priority bioregion |
Family Asteraceae | (Daisy) | |
Brachyscome chrysoglossa | Yellow-tongue Daisy | W |
Brachyscome muelleroides | Mueller Daisy | MF |
Haegiela tatei | Small Nut-heads | W |
Leiocarpa leptolepis | Pale Plover-daisy | RP |
Senecio behrianus | Stiff Groundsel | MF |
Senecio macrocarpus | Large-fruit Fireweed | W |
Trichanthodium baracchianum | Dwarf Yellow-heads | W |
Trichanthodium skirrophorum | Woolly Yellow-heads | W |
Vittadinia pterochaeta | Winged New Holland Daisy | W |
Family Boraginaceae | (Heliotrope) | |
Heliotropium asperrimum | Rough Heliotrope | W |
Family Brassicaceae | (Peppercress) | |
Lepidium monoplocoides | Winged Peppercress | MF, RP, W |
Lepidium pseudopapillosum | Erect Pepper-cress | W |
Family Callitrichaceae | (Water-starwort) | |
Callitriche cyclocarpa | Western Water-starwort | MF, W |
Family Casuarinaceae | (Sheoak) | |
Allocasuarina obesa | Swamp She-oak | W |
Family Chenopodiaceae | (Salt bush) | |
Atriplex rhagodioides | Silver Saltbush | MSB |
Tecticornia flabelliformis | Bead Glasswort | LM, MM, W |
Maireana cheelii | Chariot Wheels | W |
Sclerolaena napiformis | Turnip Copperburr | MM, W |
Family Cupressaceae | (Cypress-pine) | |
Callitris gracilis subsp. murrayensis | Slender Cypress-pine | LM, MM |
Family Cyperaceae | (Sedge) | |
Cyperus subulatus | Pointed Flat-sedge | W |
Isolepis congrua | Slender Club-sedge | W |
Schoenoplectus dissachanthus | Blunt Club-sedge | W |
Family Dilleniaceae | (Guinea-flower) | |
Hibbertia humifusa subsp. debilis | Dergholm Guinea-flower | W |
Family Eriocaulaceae | (Pipewort) | |
Eriocaulon australasicum | Southern Pipewort | LM, W |
Family Euphorbiaceae | (Spurge) | |
Euphorbia planiticola | Plains Spurge | MM |
Family Fabaceae | (Bush-pea) | |
Cullen parvum | Small Scurf-pea | MF |
Cullen tenax | Tough Scurf-pea | RP |
Swainsona brachycarpa | Slender Swainson-pea | W |
Swainsona greyana | Hairy Darling-pea | MSB |
Swainsona luteola | Dwarf Darling-pea | MSB |
Swainsona murrayana | Slender Darling-pea | MM, MF, W |
Swainsona phacoides | Dwarf Swainson-pea | LM, MM, MF, RP |
Swainsona purpurea | Purple Swainson-pea | MM |
Swainsona pyrophila | Yellow Swainson-pea | LM, MM, RP |
Swainsona reticulata1 | Kneed Swainson-pea | MM, MSB, RP, W |
Swainsona sericea | Silky Swainson-pea | MSB, W |
Swainsona swainsonioides | Downy Swainson-pea | W |
Family Haloragaceae | (Water-milfoil) | |
Myriophyllum porcatum | Ridged Water-milfoil | LM |
Family Lamiaceae | (Westringia) | |
Westringia crassifolia | Whipstick Westringia | LM, W |
Family Liliaceae | (Lilly) | |
Borya mirabilis | Grampians Pincushion-lily | W |
Family Loranthaceae | (Mistletoe) | |
Amyema linophylla subsp. orientale | Buloke Mistletoe | W |
Family Malveae | (Lantern-flower) | |
Abutilon fraseri | Dwarf Lantern-flower | MM |
Abutilon oxycarpum var. malvaefolium | Mallowleaf Lantern-flower | RP |
Sida spodochroma | Limestone Sida | MM |
Family Mimosaceae | (Wattle) | |
Acacia enterocarpa | Jumping-jack Wattle | W |
Acacia glandulicarpa | Hairy-pod Wattle | W |
Acacia melvillei | Myall | W |
Acacia pendula | Weeping Myall | MM, W |
Family Myoporaceae | (Emu-bush) | |
Eremophila sturtii | Narrow-leaf Emu-bush | MSB |
Myoporum brevipes | Pale Myoporum | MM |
Family Myrtaceae | (Gum) | |
Eucalyptus froggattii1 | Kamarooka Mallee | MM, W |
Family Orchidaceae | (Orchid) | |
Caladenia arenaria | Sandhill Spider-orchid | LM |
Caladenia audasii | McIvor Spider-orchid | W |
Caladenia formosa | Elegant Spider-orchid | W |
Caladenia fulva | Tawny Spider-orchid | W |
Caladenia lowanensis | Wimmera Spider-orchid | W |
Caladenia reticulata s.s. | Veined Spider-orchid | W |
Caladenia stricta | Upright Spider-orchid | W |
Caladenia tensa1 | Rigid Spider-orchid | MM, W |
Caladenia versicolor | Candy Spider-orchid | W |
Caladenia xanthochila | Yellow-lip Spider-orchid | W |
Dipodium campanulatum | Bell-flower Hyacinth-orchid | W |
Diuris behrii | Golden Cowslips | W |
Diuris palustris | Swamp Diuris | W |
Diuris protena | Northern Golden Moths | MM |
Microtis orbicularis | Dark Mignonette-orchid | W |
Prasophyllum fitzgeraldii | Fitzgerald's Leek-orchid | W |
Prasophyllum lindleyanum | Green Leek-orchid | W |
Prasophyllum occidentale | Western Leek-orchid | W |
Prasophyllum pallidum | Pale Leek-orchid | W |
Prasophyllum subbisectum | Pomonal Leek-orchid | W |
Pterostylis cheraphila | Floodplain Rustyhood | LM, MM, W |
Pterostylis chlorogramma1 | Green-striped Greenhood | LM |
Pterostylis xerophila | Desert Greenhood | LM, MM, MSB |
Thelymitra epipactoides | Metallic Sun-orchid | W |
Thelymitra mackibbinii | Brilliant Sun-orchid | W |
Thelymitra matthewsii | Spiral Sun-orchid | W |
Family Plantaginaceae | (Western Water-starwort) | |
Callitriche cyclocarpa | Western Water-starwort | MF |
Family Poaceae | (Native grass) | |
Digitaria divaricatissima | Umbrella Grass | W |
Deyeuxia imbricata | Bent-grass | W |
Family Polygalaceae | (Milkwort) | |
Comesperma polygaloides | Small Milkwort | W |
Family Rhamnaceae | (Spyridium) | |
Spyridium nitidum | Shining Spyridium | W |
Spyridium sp.1 | Forked Spyridium | LM, W |
Family Rutaceae | (Star-bush) | |
Asterolasia phebalioides | Downy Star-Bush | LM |
Family Santalaceae | (Sandalwood) | |
Santalum leptocladum | Southern Sandalwood | MM, MF |
Family Scrophulariaceae | (Eyebright) | |
Euphrasia collina subsp. muelleri | Purple Eyebright | W |
Family Zannichelliaceae | (Water-mat) | |
Lepilaena patentifolia | Spreading Water-mat | W |
Northern Plains Grassland Community | MM, MF | |
Semi-arid Herbaceous Pine - Buloke Woodland Community | LM, MM, RP |
Bioregion key | ||||||||||||