High priority threatened flora South West Victoria
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Anglesea Grevillea - vulnerable |
The following list comprises selected threatened flora species which have been identified as being high priority species in the South West of Victoria. Their high priority is based on a combination of the importance of the species and high level of concern within a particular bioregion. These species of flora have been identified as requiring either full commitment or substantive participation within the bioregion indicated. This list is based on information from the Bioregional Network Analysis (BNA) for each bioregion (Lowe et al 2000).
In addition to the above BNA priorities, this list also includes high priority flora in the South West that have specific management actions specified in the (DEPI Actions for Biodiversity Conservation database).1
Note: this list does not include the Goldfields bioregion.
Quick find high priority threatened species | click on Family or common name in list |
Ferns & Mosses | |
Flowering plants | |
Family & | Indicator threat.sp. in South West |
Asteliaceae | (Astelia) |
Asteraceae | (Daisy) |
Boraginaceae | (Heliotrope) |
Brassicaceae | (Peppercress) |
Callitrichaceae | (Water-starwort) |
Casuarinaceae | (Sheoak) |
Chenopodiaceae | (Salt bush) |
Cyperaceae | (Sedge) |
Dilleniaceae | (Guinea-flower) |
Ericaceae | (Snow-berry) |
Eriocaulaceae | (Pipewort) |
Fabaceae | (Bush-pea) |
Lamiaceae | (Westringia) |
Liliaceae | (Lilly) |
Loranthaceae | (Mistletoe) |
Mimosaceae | (Wattle) |
Myrtaceae | (Gum) |
Orchidaceae | (Orchid) |
Phormiaceae | (Flax-lily) |
Poaceae | (Native grass) |
Polygalaceae | (Milkwort) |
Proteaceae | (Grevillea) |
Rhamnaceae | (Spyridium) |
Scrophulariaceae | (Eyebright) |
Thymelaeaceae | (Rice-flower) |
Zannichelliaceae | (Water-mat) |
Western Basalt Plains Grassland Community |
Ferns & Mosses | ||
Botanical name | Common name | Priority bioregion |
Grammitis magellanica ssp. nothofageti | Beech Finger-fern | OR |
Huperzia varia | Long Clubmoss | OR |
Pneumatopteris pennigera | Lime Fern | GP, |
Tmesipteris elongata ssp. elongata | Slender Fork-fern | OR |
Flowering plants | ||
Botanical name | Common name | Priority bioregion |
Family Asteliaceae | (Astelia) | |
Astelia australiana1 | Tall Astelia | OR |
Family Asteraceae | (Daisy) | |
Brachyscome chrysoglossa | Yellow-tongue Daisy | W |
Cassinia rugata1 | Wrinkled Cassinia | GP |
Haegiela tatei | Small Nut-heads | W |
Leiocarpa gatesii1 | Wrinkled Buttons | OR |
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. albicans var. tricolor1 | White Sunray | VVP |
Olearia pannosa ssp. cardiophylla1 | Velvet Daisy-bush | CVU |
Olearia picridifolia | Rasp Daisy-bush | OP |
Rutidosis leptorhynchoides1 | Button Wrinklewort | VVP |
Senecio macrocarpus1 | Large-fruit Fireweed | W |
Taraxacum cygnorum1 | Coast Dandelion | GP |
Trichanthodium baracchianum1 | Dwarf Yellow-heads | W |
Trichanthodium skirrophorum | Woolly Yellow-heads | W |
Vittadinia pterochaeta | Winged New Holland Daisy | W |
Xerochrysum palustre1 | Swamp Everlasting | GP |
Family Boraginaceae | (Heliotrope) | |
Heliotropium asperrimum | Rough Heliotrope | W |
Family Brassicaceae | (Peppercress) | |
Ballantinia antipoda1 | Southern Sheppard's Purse | CVU |
Lepidium aschersonii1 | Spiny Peppercress | VVP |
Lepidium hyssopifolium | Basalt Peppercress | CVU |
Lepidium monoplocoides | Winged Peppercress | W |
Lepidium pseudopapillosum1 | Erect Pepper-cress | W |
Family Callitrichaceae | (Water-starwort) | |
Callitriche cyclocarpa | Western Water-starwort | W |
Family Casuarinaceae | (Sheoak) | |
Allocasuarina obesa1 | Swamp She-oak | W |
Family Chenopodiaceae | (Salt bush) | |
Halosarcia flabelliformis1 | Bead Glasswort | W |
Maireana cheelii1 | Chariot Wheels | W |
Sclerolaena napiformis1 | Turnip Copperburr | W |
Family Cyperaceae | (Sedge) | |
Carex tasmanica1 | Curly Sedge | VVP |
Cyperus subulatus | Pointed Flat-sedge | W |
Isolepis congrua | Slender Club-sedge | W |
Schoenoplectus dissachanthus | Blunt Club-sedge | W |
Family Dilleniaceae | (Guinea-flower) | |
Hibbertia humifusa subsp. debilis1 | Dergholm Guinea-flower | GP, W |
Hibbertia sessiliflora | Heathy Guinea-flower | GP |
Family Ericaceae | (Snow-berry) | |
Gaultheria hispida | Snow-berry | OR |
Family Eriocaulaceae | (Pipewort) | |
Eriocaulon australasicum1 | Southern Pipewort | W |
Family Fabaceae | (Bush-pea) | |
Cullen parvum1 | Small Scurf-pea | VVP |
Cullen tenax | Tough Scurf-pea | VVP |
Daviesia laevis1 | Grampians Bitter-pea | GG |
Glycine latrobeana | Clover Glycine | WP,VVP |
Pultenaea graveolens | Scented Bush-pea | CVU |
Swainsona brachycarpa1 | Slender Swainson-pea | W,GG |
Swainsona murrayana1 | Slender Darling-pea | W |
Swainsona reticulata1 | Kneed Swainson-pea | W |
Swainsona sericea1 | Silky Swainson-pea | W |
Swainsona swainsonioides1 | Downy Swainson-pea | W |
Pultenaea williamsoniana1 | Williamson's Bush-pea | GG |
Family Lamiaceae | (Westringia) | |
Westringia crassifolia1 | Whipstick Westringia | W |
Family Liliaceae | (Lilly) | |
Borya mirabilis1 | Grampians Pincushion-lily | W |
Family Loranthaceae | (Mistletoe) | |
Amyema linophylla subsp. orientale | Buloke Mistletoe | W |
Family Mimosaceae | (Wattle) | |
Acacia enterocarpa1 | Jumping-jack Wattle | W |
Acacia glandulicarpa1 | Hairy-pod Wattle | W |
Acacia melvillei | Myall | W |
Acacia pendula | Weeping Myall | W |
Family Myrtaceae | (Gum) | |
Callistemon wimmerensis | Wimmera Bottlebrush | W |
Eucalyptus aggregata | Black Gum | CVU |
Eucalyptus diversifolia subsp. megacarpa | Coast Gum | GP |
Eucalyptus fasciculosa | Pink Gum | GP |
Eucalyptus froggattii1 | Kamarooka Mallee | W |
Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. bellarinensis1 | Bellarine Yellow-gum | OP |
Family Orchidaceae | (Orchid) | |
Caladenia australis | Southern Spider-orchid | OP |
Caladenia audasii 1 | McIvor Spider-orchid | W |
Caladenia calcicola1 | Limestone Spider-orchid | GP |
Caladenia sp. aff. colorata1 | Colourful Spider-orchid | GP |
Caladenia concolor | Crimson Spider-orchid | CVU |
Caladenia cruciformis | Red-cross Spider-orchid | |
Caladenia formosa1 | Elegant Spider-orchid | GP, W |
Caladenia fragrantissima | Scented Spider-orchid | |
Caladenia fragrantissima subsp. fragrantissima | Scented Spider-orchid | GP |
Caladenia fulva1 | Tawny Spider-orchid | W |
Caladenia hastata1 | Mellblom's Spider-orchid | GP |
Caladenia lowanensis1 | Wimmera Spider-orchid | W |
Caladenia maritima1 | Angahook Pink-fingers | OP |
Caladenia pumila | Dwarf Spider-orchid | VVP |
Caladenia reticulata s.s. | Veined Spider-orchid | W |
Caladenia stricta | Upright Spider-orchid | W |
Caladenia tensa1 | Rigid Spider-orchid | W |
Caladenia valida | Robust Spider-orchid | OP,GP |
Caladenia versicolor1 | Candy Spider-orchid | W |
Caladenia xanthochila1 | Yellow-lip Spider-orchid | W |
Corybas despectans | Coast Helmet-orchid | GP |
Corunastylis sp. aff. nudiscapa1 | Otway Midge-orchid | OP1 |
Corysanthes sp. aff. diemenica1 | Late Helmet-orchid (coastal) | GP, OP1 |
Dipodium campanulatum | Bell-flower Hyacinth-orchid | W |
Diuris behrii | Golden Cowslips | CVU,VVP, W |
Diuris sp. aff. chryseopsis | Small Golden Moths | VVP |
Diuris sp. aff. lanceolata (Derrinallum)1 | Early Golden Moths | VVP |
Diuris palustris | Swamp Diuris | VVP, W |
Genoplesium sp.aff. nudiscapum | Gellibrand Midge-orchid | OP |
Microtis orbicularis | Dark Mignonette-orchid | W |
Paracaleana grampiana (Horsham)1 | Grampians Duck-orchid | GG |
Prasophyllum diversiflorum1 | Gorae Leek-orchid | VVP |
Prasophyllum fitzgeraldii | Fitzgerald's Leek-orchid | W |
Prasophyllum fosteri1 | Shelford Leek-orchid | VVP |
Prasophyllum frenchii1 | Maroon Leek-orchid | GG, GP |
Prasophyllum lindleyanum | Green Leek-orchid | W |
Prasophyllum litorale | Coastal Leek-orchid | GP |
Prasophyllum occidentale | Western Leek-orchid | W |
Prasophyllum pallidum | Pale Leek-orchid | W |
Prasophyllum spicatum | Dense Leek-orchid | OP |
Prasophyllum suaveolens1 | Fragrant Leek-orchid | VVP, W |
Prasophyllum subbisectum1 | Pomonal Leek-orchid | W |
Pterostylis basaltica1 | Basalt Rustyhood | VVP |
Pterostylis cheraphila1 | Floodplain Rustyhood | W |
Pterostylis chlorogramma1 | Green-striped Greenhood | GP |
Pterostylis cucullata1 | Leafy Greenhood | GP, OP |
Pterostylis sp. aff. bicolor (Woorndoo)1 | Dense Greenhood | VVP |
Pterostylis sp. aff. cycnocephala (Woorndoo)1 | Cygnet Greenhood | VVP |
Pterostylis sp. aff. dolichochila (Portland)1 | Portland Shell Orchid | GP |
Pterostylis sp. aff. furcata ass1 | Small Sickle Greenhood | WP |
Pterostylis sp. aff. mutica (Basalt Plains)1 | Leprechaun Greenhood | VVP |
Pterostylis tenuissima1 | Swamp Greenhood | WP,GP,OP |
Pterostylis truncata1 | Brittle Greenhood | CVU |
Thelymitra circumsepta | Naked Sun-orchid | CVU |
Thelymitra epipactoides1 | Metallic Sun-orchid | GP, WP, W |
Thelymitra gregaria1 | Basalt Sun-orchid | VVP |
Thelymitra hiemalis1 | Winter Sun-orchid | GP, OP |
Thelymitra mackibbinii1 | Brilliant Sun-orchid | W |
Thelymitra malvina | Mauve-tuft Sun-orchid | GP |
Thelymitra matthewsii1 | Spiral Sun-orchid | OP, W |
Thelymitra merraniae | Merran's Sun-orchid | OP,WP |
Family Phormiaceae | (Flax-lily) | |
Dianella amoena | Matted Flax-lily | VVP |
Family Poaceae | (Native grass) | |
Amphibromus pithogastrus1 | Plump Swamp Wallaby-grass | CVU,VVP |
Amphibromus sinuatus | Wavy Swamp Wallaby-grass | GP,VVP |
Digitaria divaricatissima | Umbrella Grass | W |
Deyeuxia imbricata | Bent-grass | W |
Lachnagrostis adamsonii 1 | Adamson's Blown-grass | VPP |
Poa sallacustris1 | Salt-lake Tussock-grass | VVP |
Family Polygalaceae | (Milkwort) | |
Comesperma polygaloides1 | Small Milkwort | W |
Family Proteaceae | (Grevillea) | |
Grevillea bedggoodiana1 | Enfield Grevillea | CVU |
Grevillea floripendula1 | Ben Major Grevillea | CVU |
Grevillea infecunda1 | Anglesea Grevillea | OP |
Grevillea montis-cole subsp. montis-cole1 | Mount Cole Grevillea | CVU |
Grevillea montis-cole ssp. | Langi Ghiran Grevillea | CVU |
Family Rhamnaceae | (Spyridium) | |
Discaria pubescens1 | Australian Anchor Plant | VVP |
Spyridium nitidum1 | Shining Spyridium | W |
Spyridium sp.11 | Forked Spyridium | W |
Family Scrophulariaceae | (Eyebright) | |
Euphrasia collina subsp. muelleri1 | Purple Eyebright | W |
Family Thymelaeaceae | (Rice-flower) | |
Pimelea pagophila1 | Grampians Rice-flower | GG1 |
Pimelea spinescens subsp. pubiflora1 | Wimmera Rice-flower | W1 |
Pimelea spinescens subsp. spinescens1 | Spiny Rice-flower | VVP |
Family Zannichelliaceae | (Water-mat) | |
Lepilaena patentifolia | Spreading Water-mat | W |
Western Basalt Plains Grassland Community