Your nature observations
The following observations have been shared with SWIFFT. If you have an interesting sighting or discovery you would like to share on SWIFFT please use the nature observation contribute form to submit your observation.
Nature observations
Blue Whale observations south-west Victoria.
Images from Bob McPerson taken from land at Bridgewater, near Portland.
Observation of a Brittle Star in daylight at Flinders, Victoria.
Many species of Brittle Stars such as the one observed are found in the intertidal zone, occurring in rock pools but usually remaining under rocks only venturing out at night.
Brolga nest with adults and chick in south west Victoria
Video and photos of brolga nesting in south west Victoria from Bob McPherson. September 2016.
Brush-tailed Phascogale images from Watsons Creek and Macedon Shire
Images from Wayne Williams - taken at the Watsons Creek habitat link project which forms a link between unburnt forest in the Kinglake National Park Everard Block and Warrandyte-Kinglake Nature Conservation Reserve. Macedon Ranges images by William Terry.
Feral cat hunting Sugar Glider
Feral cat stalking a Sugar Glider in an artificial hollow nest box on private property near Hepburn Regional Park. Night vision images provided by Richard Pleasance.
The Grey Goshawk is a stunningly beautiful bird of prey. See observations of this species including video of successful breeding.
Insectivorous bats of Victoria
There are 16 species of insectiverous bats in Victoria and south-eastern South Australia. Insectivorous bats are generally tiny; they are sometimes referred to as microbats. People are not usually aware of their presence due to their nocturnal behaviour and their ultrasonic calls which are inaudible to the human ear.
Long-nosed Bandicoot Perameles nasuta. A short view of a rarely seen species taken by remote camera footage taken on private property in western Otway Ranges, Victoria. June 2020. Source: Peter Turnbull.
Observations of a flock of 2,600 Magpie Geese in a paddock on 3 March 2020 near Balliang, Approx. 10 km south of Bacchus Marsh, Victoria.
Observations of a small flock of Magpie Geese at Moolap, near Geelong in October 2020.
Marine Strandings (Whales, Dolphins and Turtles)
Observations of marine strandings in Victoria (Whales, Dolphins and Sea Turtles).
Orange-bellied Parrots near Tower Hill
Photos and video of the Orange-bellied Parrot near Tower Hill in south-west Victoria by Bob McPherson.
Observations of Powerful Owls on a roadside reserve spared from destruction after being burnt in the Ash Wednesday fires 1983 in the Panmure area, Moyne Shire. Observations provided by Lisette Mills, Basalt to Bay Landcare.
Observations by Trevor Speirs with images from Galye Osborne provide an account of Powerful Owls breeding in the Wombat Forest.
Images by David Whelan and Bernie McRitchie are provided to increase our understanding and appreciation of raptors, their beauty, power and mystique together with the need to conserve raptors and their habitats.
Regent Honeyeater successful breeding
A pair of captive-bred Regent Honeyeaters released in 2017 had a successful breeding event in October 2020. The pair had previous unsuccessful breeding attempts in August / September 2019 and in September 2020 but in October 2020 they successfully raised 3 new Regents.
Seabirds and shorebirds in Victoria
Victoria has a wide variety of coastal and inland habitats which support a diverse population of seabirds and shorebirds. Many species are difficult to find and identify, they can easily go un-noticed or simply viewed as dots on the beach.
This section helps to expand our appreciation of Victoria’s seabirds and shorebirds through sharing observations. Contact SWIFFT to add species.
South Eastern Red-tailed Black-cockatoo
Observations of the South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo which is considered Critically endangered in Australia. It is only found in a relatively small area of south-west of Victoria and adjacent areas in the south-east of South Australia, mainly in Stringybark and Buloke forests.
The Swift Parrot migrates across Bass Strait from summer breeding areas in Tasmania to winter feeding areas on mainland Australia with important sites in Victoria. Some observations are shared here.
Images of Wedge-tailed Eagles are provided to raise awareness of this species which have become a less common sight in Victorian skies.
Wildlife Health Victoria - Surveillance
Your observations count. Wildlife Health Victoria: Surveillance, investigates sick and dead wildlife from free ranging populations of endemic mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians in Victoria to understand baseline wildlife health patterns, detect changes and factors involved, and understand wildlife reservoirs of zoonotic diseases.
Take part in the online survey about sarcoptic mange in wildlife in Victoria, starting 12 June 2019.