Observations - Regent Honeyeater

Regent Honeyeater successful breeding event

The first documented case of a Regent Honeyeater pair-bond lasting more than one breeding season has been confirmed.

A pair of Regent Honeyeaters first observed breeding and reported in August / September 2019 Update 34 and again in September 2020 Update No. 39, has again been observed in October 2020 Update 40. The birds are from the 2017 captive-bred release. They are a female Orange-Metal Blue-Yellow (OMBY) and male Orange-Metal Pink-Pink (OMKK) and they  successfully raised 3 new Regent Honeyeaters during October 2020.

Regent Honeyeater pair August 2019

A pair of Regent Honeyeaters with leg bands (OMBY and OMKK) in a failed breeding attempt in August 219. The same birds were observed breeding in October 2020 near Chiltern and successfully raised 3 new fledglings.


Regent Honeyeater collecting nesting material
Female Regent Honeyeater collecting nesting material in September 2020.


Breeding events (involving wild or ex captive birds) occur but are rare. They are the exception not the rule. Nests that result in three (so far) successfully fledged birds from the one clutch are extremely rare. The documentation of this successful breeding is a significant event for the National Recovery Team and the captive breeding, release and monitoring program.

Video source: Regent Honeyeater Recovery Team, Hume Region, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)

Regent Honeyeater update  No. 40

Three hungary fledglings only a day after leaving the nest. Image: Glen Johnson.


Regent Honeyeater update  No. 40

All three were reported alive and healthy 12 days later, and while still dependent on their parents, they are mobile and have commenced feeding themselves nectar and lerp. Image: Glen Johnson.


Regent Goneyeater update 40

One of the three successful fledglings self-feeding on nectar and lerp. Image: Glen Johnson.


View more about the Regent Honeyeater Captive Release program

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