Observations - Marine strandings (Whales, Dolphins and Turtles)


The marine waters of Bass Strait and inshore waters along the Victorian coastline support an abundance of marine wildlife which is not readily seen. Occasionally marine mammals and turtles are found dead, being washed up on our beaches, sometime with little or no evidence of what caused their death. 

Depending on how long the animal has been floating around in the ocean there can be significant signs of it being eaten by sharks or other marine predators.

This page is set up to help record marine strandings in Victoria so as to increase our awareness and understanding of strandings.  Please Contact SWIFFT if you can contribute to this page.



Marine mammals known to inhabit Victorian waters


(Family Delphinidae)

  • Common Dolphin
  • Bottlenose Dolphin
  • Fraser’s Dolphin
  • Burrunan Dolphin (Critically endangered)
  • Risso’s Dolphin
  • Killer Whale
  • False Killer Whale
  • Long-finned Pilot Whale

Beaked Whales

(Family Ziphiidae)

  • Southern Bottlenose Whale
  • Andrew’s Beaked Whale
  • Blainville’s Beaked Whale
  • Ginko-toothed Whale
  • Gray’s Beaked Whale
  • Strap-toothed Whale
  • True’s Beaked Whale
  • Cuvier’s Beaked Whale

Sperm Whales

(Family Physeteridea)

  • Sperm Whale

(Family Kogiidae)

  • Pygmy Sperm Whale



Baleen Whales

(Family Balaenopteridae)

  • Southern Humpback Whale (Critically endangered – under review)
  • Minke Whale
  • Bryde’s Whale
  • Blue Whale (Endangered)
  • Fin Whale

(Family Neobalaenidae)

  • Pygmy Right Whale

(Family Balaenidae)

  • Southern Right Whale (Endangered)



Marine Turtles known to inhabit Victorian waters


  • Green Turtle
  • Hawksbill Turtle
  • Leatherback Turtle (Critically endangered)
  • Loggerhead Turtle
  • Pacific (Olive) Ridley Turtle





Source of Conservation status in Victoria,: FFG Threatened List (2024)  Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 - Threatened List - February 2024


Pygmy Right Whale
pygmy right whale Image Mandy Watson

A two-metre long juvenile male Pygmy Right Whale (Caperea marginata) was found washed up dead at The Cutting near Killarney Beach west of Warrnambool on 26 August 2016.


Fin Whale
Fin Whale
Fin Whale  (image 1 of 2) washed up at Levy's Beach, Warrnambool 15 September 2014 Image: C Bowden. 


Fin Whale Image Mandy Watson
Fin Whale  (image 2 of 2) washed up at Levy's Beach, Warrnambool, showing baleen in the mouth and the pleated throat which expands when taking in large volumes of water when feeding.
15 September 2014.  Image Mandy Watson.


Southern Right Whale 
Southern Right Whale juvenile deceased September 2019

Southern Right Whale juvenile found washed- up on Victoria’s south-west coast in September 2019 with signs of being eaten. By coincidence, Killer Whales had been reported off the coast of Portland in September 2019.


Gray's Beaked Whale
Gray's Beaked Whale Marengo Jan. 2024

Gray’s Beaked Whale (image 1 of 2) washed up at Marengo, January 2024. The whale had been discovered dead at a nearby location with few injuries 2 days prior to it being washed up again, this time with sever bite marks over its body.  

Gray's Beaked Whale image of tail bite marks Marengo Jan. 2024

Gray’s Beaked Whale (image 2 of 2) washed up a Marengo, January 2024. Obvious signs of being eaten after floating around dead in the ocean for 2 days.


Pygmy Sperm Whale
Pygmy Sperm Whale east of Port Campbell May 2024

One of two Pygmy Sperm Whales which washed up on the beach at Gibson Steps, approx. 10 km east of Port Campbell in May 2024.  No apparent injuries.


Leatherback Turtle
Leatherback Turtle washed up Eidthvale Beach March 2024
Leatherback Turtle found dead at Edithvale Beach, Port Phillip Bay 25 March 2024. No visable injuries were found. Image courtesy of R. Wilson.




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