Biodiversity programs helping the Mallee’s ecology thrive
The Mallee Catchment Management Authority (CMA) works with communities across the region to ensure natural resources are managed in an integrated and ecologically sustainable way.
Through funding from the Victorian Government’s Biodiversity Response Planning (BRP) and Biodiversity On-Ground Action (BOGA) programs, the Mallee CMA is delivering work to help protect threatened species.

Spatial representation of Biodiversity Response Planning and Biodiversity On-ground Actions project areas. Source: Mallee CMA.
Biodiversity Response Planning
The Mallee CMA BRP projects aim to reduce the impacts pest plants and animals have on threatened species within the Mallee region. These projects contribute to the protection of more than 200 native species within the Mallee region, including including state and nationally-threatened species such as the Regent Parrot, Inland Carpet Python, Malleefowl and Murray-Darling Carpet Python.
Throughout 2019-20, the Mallee CMA has coordinated nine BRP programs, including:
- Annuello and Wandown: Enhancing Mallee to Murray bio links
- Cardross: Conserving biodiversity within a peri-urban landscape
- Controlling feral cats in the Mallee for improved management outcomes
- Improving conservation of the Southern Mallee Dunefields
- Mallee Parks: The Cowangie connection
- Robinvale to Nyah: Conserving Robinvale Plain and Murray Fan bioregions
- Safeguarding the Hattah Ramsar Lakes and Raak Plain Catchment Areas
- Tyrrell: Preserving an ancient salina landscape
- Yarrara Ridge: Conserving Victoria’s semi-arid environments
Key achievements delivered during 2019-20 include:
- Completing weed, rabbit and fox control works within the Annuello Flora and Fauna Reserve, Wandown Flora and Fauna Reserve, Menzies Nature Conservation Reserve, the Mallanbool Flora and Fauna Reserve and Yarrara Flora and Fauna Reserve managed by Parks Victoria.
- Collaborating with Lower Murray Water to complete weed and rabbit control works on land within the Cardross Lakes system.
- Working with Yarriambiack Shire Council to complete weed and rabbit control works on land within the southern Mallee Dunefields area.
- Partnering with Mildura Rural City Council to complete weed and rabbit control works on land between the Murray Sunset National Park and Big Desert Dunefields.
- Completing pig and goat control works within the Carpul Wildlife Reserve, Lake Powell and Murray River Park, managed by Parks Victoria.
- Partnering with private landholders to undertake weed, rabbit and fox control on their properties near the Hattah Ramsar Lakes and Raak Plain Catchment areas.
- Collaborating with Buloke Shire Council to complete weed and rabbit control works on land within the Tyrrell landscape.

During all activities, native flora and fauna observations were recorded, including the following: brown snake, emu, malleefowl, kangaroo, sand goanna, cattle bush, black-faced cuckooshrike, mallee ringneck parrots, noisy miner and wedgetail eagle. All native flora and fauna observations will be uploaded into the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas.

Protecting important flora and fauna habitat in the Wyperfeld landscape through weed, rabbit and fox control works. Image source: Mallee CMA.
Biodiversity On-Ground Action
Work delivered under the Mallee CMA’s Biodiversity On-Ground Action projects aim to reduce the impacts of pest, plants and animals on threatened species within the Mallee region. These works contribute to the protection of over 200 native species, within the Mallee region, including including state and nationally-threatened species such as the Regent Parrot, Inland Carpet Python, Malleefowl and Murray-Darling Carpet Python.
Throughout 2019-20, the Mallee CMA completed the final year of projects that were funded for four years, including: Northern Mallee Woodlands
- Murray to Mallee Connections
- Mallee Dunefields to the Big Desert
Key achievements included:
- Successful native vegetation regeneration within the Lindsay and Mulcra floodplains, following the completion of pig and goat control over the past three years.
- Regeneration of native vegetation between the Murray-Sunset National Park, Hattah-Kulkyne National Park and Annuello Fauna and Flora Reserve, following the completion of stock exclusion fencing.
- Native vegetation regeneration within the Pink Lakes area following the completion of revegetation works. Regeneration was observed when vegetation had regular access to water.

Active Malleefowl nest identified during native flora and fauna assessments within the BRP project areas. Source: Mallee CMA.

A carpet python which was identified during native flora and fauna assessments within the BRP project areas. Source: Mallee CMA.
This page has been adapted from information provided by Stephanie Walters, Mallee Catchment Management Authority.
See also: lists of threatened fauna by Local Government Area within the Mallee CMA area.
- Threatened fauna Buloke Shire
- Threatened fauna Gannawarra Shire Council
- Threatened fauna Hindmarsh Shire
- Threatened fauna Mildura Rural City Council
- Threatened fauna Swan Hill Rural City Council
- Threatened fauna West Wimmera Shire
- Threatened fauna Yarriambiack Shire
High priority threatened flora in North West Victoria