South West Biodiversity Forum 2021

Recordings of the South West Biodiversity Forum. Tuesday, 23 November 2021 and Thursday, 25 November 2021. This event was supported by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP).

Session 1: Gunditj Mirring Country
View recording made on Tuesday, 23 November 2021
Order of presentations
- Budj Bim World Heritage Cultural Landscape - Erin Rose and Ben Church, Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation
- Site Action Planning for important migratory shorebird habitat in Gunditj Mirring Country - Marta Ferenczi, Birdlife Australia
- Bittern Recovery and (Coastal) Connections - Jacinta Hendriks, Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority
- Beyond the Shoreline – Marine Monitoring in Discovery Bay Marine National Park - Michael Sams, Parks Victoria
- A Victorian Volcanic Plains Biosphere Elia Pirtle, Victorian Volcanic Plains Biosphere Inc.
- Use of satellite data to develop useful tools for the surveillance monitoring of forests and woodlands in far South West Victoria, Gunditj Mirring Country Dr Mark Garkaklis, DELWP, State of the Environment Pty Ltd.
- Use of satellite data to develop useful tools for the surveillance monitoring of forests and woodlands in far South West Victoria, Gunditj Mirring Country Dr Mark Garkaklis, DELWP, State of the Environment Pty Ltd.
- Biodiversity values and our adaptive management approach Hamish Martin and Mel Calwell, DELWP
- Red Tails of the Glenelg Plain Matt King, Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority
Session 2: Eastern Maar Country
View recording made on Thursday, 25 November 2021
Order of presentations
- Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation - Billy Briggs and Paul Kelly
- Hooded Plover recovery on Eastern Maar Country - Daniel Lees, Birdlife Australia
- A Pass with Flying Colours: Checking up on Orange-bellied Parrot Decision Making - Rachel Pritchard, DELWP
- Better Buds Campaign Achievements - Colleen Hughson, Beach Patrol 3280/ Better Buds Campaign
- Selection of Priority Protection Areas (PPAs) for the Management of Phytophthora dieback in the Otway Ranges Dr Mark Garkaklis, Barbara Wilson Pty Ltd, Corangamite CMA
- Restoring the Forgotten Woodlands of the Victorian Volcanic Plains Aggie Stevenson, Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority
- Striking a balance between conservation and bushfire risk Tamika Farley- Lehmer, Conservation Ecology Centre
- Sinister Synergies: Predator and prey responses to fire in the Carlisle Heath Mark Le Pla, University of Melbourne/ Conservation Ecology Centre
- Mammal communities and refuges in the Carlisle Heath Dr Barbara Wilson, Deakin University
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