Threatened species projects
The following projects relate to threatened species or their habitats. Share your project
Fauna projects
Brush-tailed Phascogale Nest Box project
Location: Bushland parks and reserves surrounding the City of Greater Bendigo
Activities: Building, installing and long term monitoring of nest boxes for over 30 years. Trials on box design/materials.
Partners: Bendigo Field Naturalists Club, Parks Victoria, City of Greater Bendigo, Sheepwash Creek Landcare group & Community Groups.
Contacts: Karen Thomas 0417377223
Threatened Mallee Birds Conservation Action Plan
Location: Murray Mallee of south-eastern Australia
Activities: Focus on 6 nationally-listed species; Mallee Emu-wren, Black-eared Miner, Red-lored Whistler, Western Whipbird (eastern subspecies), Regent Parrot (eastern subspecies) and Malleefowl. Regional recovery groups involved with conservation activities.
Partners: Implementation Team; BirdLife Australia, Department of the Environment (Commonwealth), Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (SA), Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (Vic.), Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW)
Monash University, LaTrobe University, Zoos SA, Zoos Victoria
Contacts: Birdlife Australia
Zoos Victoria Fighting Extinction
Location: Healesville Sanctuary, Melbourne Zoo and Werribee Open Range Zoo.
Activities: Recovery of 27 native threatened species in Victoria.
Conservation programs, research, community involvement, citizen science and international collaboration.
Partners: Community Groups, Private landholders, Research Organisations. National Trust of Australia, Parks Victoria, Phillip island Nature Parks, Universities & DELWP.
Contacts: Zoos Victoria - Fighting Extinction.
Turquoise Parrot Nest Box project
Location: Chesney Vale and Warby Ranges region of the Goulburn Broken catchment, and expanding to the NE catchment up to Chiltern region.
Activities: Building and installing nest boxes on private land, monitoring nest boxes, holding field days and school education events.
Partners: Goulburn Broken CMA, landholders and local schools.
Contacts: Janice Mentiplay-Smith, Broken Boosey CMN Coordinator 57647506
Plains-wanderer project
Location: Northern Victoria Plains Grasslands (Patho Plains), Trust for Nature grasslands reserves, Terrick Terrick National Park, Bael Bael Grasslands Reserve.
Activities: Captive breeding, population monitoring, predator control, habitat restoration, conservation covenants.
Partners: Parks Victoria, Trust for Nature, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Zoos Victoria, North Central CMA, adjoining private landholders.
Contacts: North Central CMA – Remnant Grassy Ecosystems
More about Plains-wanderer
Campaspe Squirrel Glider project
Location: Campaspe River Reserve, from the outskirts of Echuca to Rochester.
Activities: Installation and management of 100 Squirrel Glider nest boxes. To be expanded along the Campaspe River to where it meets the Murray River in conjunction with remote camera study subject to funding.
Partners: Strathallan Family Landcare, Shire of Campaspe, Bunnings Echuca, Rotary Club of Rochester, Mitre 10 Rochester and Echuca Painter Mark Haydon.
Contacts: Veronica Groats, President, Strathallan Landcare, 54849293
More about Squirrel Gliders
Southern Brown Bandicoot recovery project
Location: Kooweerup area Western Port.
Activities: Habitat enhancement, predator control (foxes & cats), population monitoring.
Partners: Western Port Biosphere, SBB Recovery Group, local community.
Contacts: Western Port Biosphere
Squirrel Glider project
Location: Lurg Hills area - Benella.
Activities: Habitat restoration, revegetation, habitat linkages, Squirrel Glider nest box's inc. monitoring.
Partners: Regent Honeyeater project, landholders.
Contacts: Ray Thomas - Regent Honeyeater Project. More about Squirrel Gliders
Latham's Snipe project
Location: Powling Street wetlands in Port Fairy
Activities: Population monitoring, capture & tracking movement, collaborative research within and between Australia and Japan, build understanding and appreciation of habitat management issues among communities and management agencies.
Partners: South Beach Wetlands and Landcare Group, Federation University, Wild Bird Society of Japan, Japan Bird Research Association, Woodlands and Wetlands Trust (Jerrabomberra Wetlands), GHCMA & DELWP.
Contacts: Dr Birgita Hansen, Latham's Snipe Project
South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo recovery
Location: South-east South Australia & South-west Victoria
Activities: Population monitoring, nest boxes, protection of nest trees, habitat monitoring & enhancement of Stringybark forests and Buloke trees.
Partners: Birdlife Australia, DELWP, GHCMA, WCMA, South Aust. Govt.
Contacts: Bronwyn Perryman,1800 262 062, Recovery Team web site
Regent Honeyeater captive release program 2017
Location: Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park
Activities: Captive breeding, release, monitoring and habitat conservation.
Partners: Department of Environment & Primary Industries, BirdLife Australia, Taronga Zoo, Friends of Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park, Bird observers and Landcare groups.
Contacts: Glen Johnson, Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Wodonga, 02 6043 7924 and National Regent Honeyeater Recovery Co-ordinator, Dean Ingwersen, BirdLife Australia, (03) 93470757 Regent Honeyeater captive release updates
Eastern Barred Bandicoot - guardian dogs proposal
Location: Tiverton, western Victoria
Activities: Proposed 5 year pilot to assess the feasibility of using guardian dogs to protect the Eastern Barred Bandicoot at three grassland sites in Victoria.
Partners: Zoos Victoria, Tiverton Properties (an extension of the team at Mt Rothwell), EBB Recovery Team and Tasmania University.
Contacts: Rachel Lowry, Zoos Victoria, (03) 9340 2743
St Helens Reserve Southern Brown Bandicoots
Location: St Helens Reserve, near Warrnambool and landscape links to Broadwater Bushland Reserve. 2014 - 2023.
Activities: Fox control and monitoring using remote cameras,
Bandicoot motels (habitat shelter).
Included Pathways to Parks & Pallisters project aimed at linking landscape remnants to bushland reserves. Previously: Basalt to Bay Landcare Network - no longer operating.
Citizen Science
Bandicoot Motels monitoring project 2025.
Contacts: Lisette Mill 04 08 712 713
Bush Stone-curlew recovery
Location: Phillip Island Nature Parks, Mt Rothwell Sanctuary, Orana Sanctuary, Shelbourne NCR.
Activities: Habitat restoration, fox control, predator proof fencing, captive breeding, re-introduction and monitoring.
Partners: Phillip Island Nature Parks, North Central CMA, Mid Loddon Landcare Network & CMN, Mt Rothwell Sanctuary, Orana Sanctuary, Odonata Foundation.
Australian Quoll Conservancy, Spot-tailed Quoll survey 2018-2020
Location: Toolangi, Kinglake, Lerderderg, Wombat and Erica areas and expanding from these areas as coverage intensifies to Northern & Eastern Victoria Bioregions.
Activities: Use of motion cameras with non-invasive gender quoll detection methodology. Victorian members of the public are encouraged to report sightings directly to the Australian Quoll Conservancy.
Partners: Australian Quoll Conservancy, Victorian “Species Recovery Unit”, DELWP, professionals, business owners and passionate quoll individuals from Victoria.
Contacts: Alberto Vale, President, Australian Quoll Conservancy Inc. 0412 632 328
Orange-bellied Parrot recovery and releases
Location: Summer breeding season at Melaleuca, Tasmania.
Overwinter season at mainland Australia, Werribee / Avalon areas.
Activities: Captive breeding and release, assisted migration, monitoring at breeding and overwinter areas.
Partners: DELWP and Zoos Victoria are leading the Orange-bellied Parrot Mainland Release Trial, with the support of BirdLife Australia, Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park, Melbourne Water, Parks Victoria and the Tasmanian Government's Orange-bellied Parrot Tasmanian Program.
Contacts: Kristy Penrose (Zoos Victoria) or Steve Davidson (Birdlife Australia)
Burrunan Dolpin Project
Location: Victoria: Port Phillip Bay and Gippsland Lakes.
Research, education, conservation.
Applied research into Burrunan Dolphin (Assessing the social network structure of Port Phillip Bay and Gippsland Lakes populations). Investigating population size, structure and distribution of the Port Phillip Bay Burrunan dolphin. Dolphin acoustics research.
Partners: Marine Mammal Foundation and contributors.
Eastern Barred Bandicoot releases
Phillip Island Nature Parks
Location: Churchill Island, Phillip Island.
Activities: Predator control, habitat management, release of captive bred bandicoots and monitoring.
Partners: Phillip Island Nature Parks, Zoos Victoria, Eastern Barred Bandicoot Recovery Team and volunteers.
Contacts: Dr Duncan Sutherland, Senior Research Scientist, Deputy Research Manager - Phillip Island Nature Parks.
Southern Right Whale South-east Australia
Location: Victorain coast.
Activities: Genetic research, Photo ID, Sightings database, calf survival, recruitment and movement study, Citizen Science.
Partners: Dept. Environment Land, Water & Planning, volunteers.
Contacts: Mandy Watson, Senior Biodiversity Officer, Warrnambool.
Helmeted Honeyeater From Yellingbo to Butterfield Project (y2B)
Location: Yellingbo Yarra Valley
Activities: 3 year project commenced 2017, working with 70 landholders along Woori Yallock Creek wildlife corridor from Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve to Butterfield Nature Reserve to improve habitat for Helmeted Honeyeater. Works have been implemented on some 30 properties so far.
Partners: Friends of Helmeted Honeyeater, Macclesfield Landcare, Monbulk Landcare, Jon Hills Landcare. Helen Macpherson Smith Trust.
Contacts: Gaye Gadsden, Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater Inc.
Brisbane Ranges, Brush-tailed Phascogale project
Location: Brisbane Ranges N.P.
Activities: Field studies to collate information about phascogales and develop standard procedures for nest box construction, installation and follow up monitoring.
Partners: Friends of Brisbane Ranges, Parks Victoria, Newcomb Secondary College and Wyndham Central College, Woodland Ecosystems Resilience Partnership Program (WERPP), Central Victorian Biolinks, Landcareand Field Naturalists Clubs.
Bitterns on Farms Project
Location: South-west Victoria, Heytesbury District.
Activities: 2023 onwards, surveys of wetlands, habitat assessment and locate site where bitterns are found.
Documenting threats to bitterns and their habitat and develop on-farm management plans with interested landholders.
Partners: Heytesbury District Landcare Network and Birdlife Australia, Jean & Chester Porter Trust.
Contacts: Birdlife, Bitterns on Farms Project
Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park
Location: 550 Tyabb-Tooradin Rd, Pearcedale Vic 3912 Open: 10am-5pm
Activities: Conservation breeding of critically endangered orange-bellied parrots for the Recovery Program for release and to maintain a captive insurance group. Since 2014, Moonlit Sanctuary has bred over 140 birds of which more than 40 have been released into the wild.
Partners: Zoos Victoria, Aviculture Society of Australia, Orange-bellied Parrot Recovery Team and volunteers.
Contacts: Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park
Mallee CMA Biodiversity projects
Location: Mallee Catchment Management Authority (CMA) area.
Background: The Mallee CMA works with communities across the region to ensure natural resources are managed in an integrated and ecologically sustainable way.
Through funding from the Victorian Government’s Biodiversity Response Planning (BRP) and Biodiversity On-Ground Action (BOGA) programs, the Mallee CMA is delivering work to help protect threatened species.
Rewilding the Desert - Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA)
Location: Wimmera - Little Desert Nature Lodge (117-hectare predator exclusion fenced), The Malleefowl Sanctuary (120 ha with predator exclusion fence), Salvana Conservation Reserve – 1200 ha.
Activities: Volunteers can participate in hands-on conservation activities. Experimentally reintroducing locally extinct native species into two predator-proof enclosures. Focus species; Western quoll (vulnerable), Spot-tailed quoll (endangered), Red-tailed black cockatoo (endangered), Malleefowl (vulnerable), Numbat (vulnerable), Red-tailed phascogale (endangered), Western barred bandicoot (endangered), Bilby (vulnerable), Burrowing Bettong (vulnerable) and Brush-tailed Bettong (endangered).
Partners: Wimmera Catchment Management Authority, FAUNA Research Alliance, Conservation Volunteers Australia, Hindmarsh Landcare.
Contacts: Ben Holmes, Project Officer, Biodiversity, Wimmera CMA 0408552268
Flora projects
Dwarf Spider Orchid - Caladenia pumila
Location: Bannockburn area - north west of Geelong, Victoria
Activities: Monitoring, surveys to discover new populations, micro manage habitat. See: Dwarf Spider Orchid
Partners: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Parks Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens, Australian Native Orchid Society, volunteers.
Contacts: Donna McMaster DELWP - Ballarat, Ph. 136 186
White Sunray Rehabilitation Project - Leucochrysum albicans var. tricolor
Location: Duverney - Hamilton Highway, winter spring 2013 into 2014
Activities: Rehabilitate approx. 2.5 hectares of Plains Grassland, sowing Hoary Sunray seed August 2013. On-going monitoring.
Partners: VicRoads
Contacts: Matt Mooney, 5222518
Linear Reserves Project
Location: Victorian Volcanic Plains (west of Melbourne).
Activities: Weed control, Ecological burning, Education.
Partners: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Glenelg Hopkins and Corangamite CMAs. CFA, Local Government, VicRoads, Rail Authorities (VicTrack, ARTC), Parks Victoria, Traditional Owners, Contractors, Federation University and the Arthur Rylah Institute.
Contacts: Ammie Jackson (DELWP), Natural Environment Program Officer
Spiny Rice-flower recovery
Location: Victorian Volcanic Plains Bioregion
Activities: Monitoring, translocation, weed control, ecological burning. The Pimelea Conservation Trust Fund invites applications for grants to carry out conservation works each year .
Partners: Trust for Nature.
Contacts: Debbie Reynolds, Pimelea Conservation Officer, Trust for Nature Phone: (03) 8631 5888