Weed management after fire - Webinar series

Weed Management After fire Webinar Image Cape Conran: Andrew Geschke
Cape Conran regeneration. Image: Andrew Geschke.


After bushfire, our ecosystems are at their most vulnerable to weed invasion. Help us support indigenous flora and fauna by managing weeds in bushfire affected areas.

Weed management after fire Webinars

This webinar series focuses on sharing practical knowledge so everyone can contribute to bushfire recovery.

View recordings and shared links 

Webinar 1 - Overview weed management after fire

Webinar 2 - Prioritisation of weeds after fire

Webinar 3 - Collaborative projects in weed management after fire

Webinar 4 - Weed identification and recording after fire

or the complete event sereies 2020 Weed Management after Fire Webinar series - YouTube


Webinar 1: Wednesday 25 November 2020 - Overview weed management after fire.

  1. Bushfire Response and Recovery Program: Threat Management - Damien McMaster Bushfire Biodiversity Response & Recovery (BBRR) Program, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), East Melbourne, Victoria:
  2. Environmental weed management after fire - principles to practice - Dr Judy Fisher, Fisher Research Pty Ltd, IUCN CEM Ecosystems and Invasive Species, Institute of Agriculture University and Western Australia:
  3. Central Highlands Eden – a model for weed management after fire - Sally Lambourne – Central Highlands Eden Project Manager; and Brad Matthews – Central Highlands Eden Project Officer, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Knoxfield, Victoria:

Recording of Webinar 1 on 25 November 2020

Links shared in Webinar 1

Bushfire Response and Recovery Program: Threat Management - Damien McMaster Bushfire Biodiversity Response & Recovery (BBRR) Program, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), East Melbourne, Victoria:

Environmental weed management after fire - principles to practice - Dr Judy Fisher, Fisher Research Pty Ltd, IUCN CEM Ecosystems and Invasive Species, Institute of Agriculture University and Western Australia:

Central Highlands Eden – a model for weed management after fire - Sally Lambourne – Central Highlands Eden Project Manager; and Brad Matthews – Central Highlands Eden Project Officer, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Knoxfield, Victoria:

Other relevant links:

Webinar 2: Wednesday 2 December 2020 - Prioritisation of weeds after fire.

  1.  Prioritising invasive plant control after very high severity wildfire - Steve Taylor, Program Leader (Invasive Plants), Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate, ACT Parks Invasive Plants Program 
  2. Prioritising weeds in the Glenelg Eden using the feasibility of eradication tool - Mitch Williams, Project Manager Glenelg Eden, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Heywood, Victoria
  3. Prioritising weeds in the Hume Region after fire - Daniel Littlewood, Bushfire Biodiversity Recovery Project Officer, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Ovens, Victoria
  4. Prioritising for native regeneration, with weed control per se a lesser goal. - Dr Tein McDonald, Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (AABR).


                Please note we experienced some audio issues with our first presenter that we were unable to resolve. We apologies for this unfortunate issue. The remaining three presentations have clear audio and we hope that you will continue to watch the recording. You can skip to the next speaker at the 37 min point.  You can also view a higher quality recording of Steve Taylor’s weed management program in ACT presented at the CAL – IPC symposium, October 2020.  View Steve Taylor’s presentation played via Google Drive.

Recording of Webinar  No. 2 on 2nd December 2020.


Links shared in Webinar 2

1. Prioritising invasive plant control after very high severity wildfire - Steve Taylor, Program Leader (Invasive Plants), Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate, ACT Parks Invasive Plants Program: 


2. Prioritising weeds in the Glenelg Eden using the feasibility of eradication tool - Mitch Williams, Project Manager Glenelg Eden, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Heywood, Victoria

3. Prioritising weeds in the Hume Region after fire - Daniel Littlewood, Bushfire Biodiversity Recovery Project Officer, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Ovens, Victoria:

4. Prioritising for native regeneration, with weed control per se a lesser goal - Dr Tein McDonald, Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (AABR).

Webinar 3: Wednesday 9 December 2020 - Collaborative projects -weed management after fire.

  1. Working together to help biodiversity recover after fire: Keith Primrose, Environment, Land and Water Area of Work Coordinator, Parks Victoria, Mt Beauty
  2. Collaboration for biodiversity recovery: Deirdre Griepsma, Regional Biodiversity Recovery Program Coordinator, Parks Victoria, Inverloch
  3. Weed management after fire in an urban environment: Calum Walker, DELWP, Bendigo, Victoria
  4. Weed management in a remote catchment: Protecting the critically endangered Spotted Treefrog in the Wongungarra: Glen Johnson, Regional Biodiversity Recovery Coordinator, DELWP Hume Region; and Mel Birleson, Project Coordinator, East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (EGCMA)

Recording of Webinar  No. 3 on 9th December 2020.

Links shared in Webinar  3

1. Working together to help biodiversity recover after fire: Keith Primrose, Environment, Land and Water Area of Work Coordinator, Parks Victoria, Mt Beauty:

2. Collaboration for biodiversity recovery: Deirdre Griepsma, Regional Biodiversity Recovery Program Coordinator, Parks Victoria, Inverloch:

3. Weed management after fire in an urban environment: Calum Walker, DELWP, Bendigo, Victoria;

4. Weed management in a remote catchment: Protecting the critically endangered Spotted Treefrog in the Wongungarra: Glen Johnson, Regional Biodiversity Recovery Coordinator, DELWP Hume Region; and Mel Birleson, Project Coordinator, East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (EGCMA):

Webinar 4: Wednesday 16 December 2020 - Weed identification and recording after fire.

  1. Environmental weed recognition after fire and taking better photos with a mobile device: Kate Blood and Bianca Gold, Weeds at the Early Stage of Invasion (WESI) Project, DELWP, Statewide, Victoria
  2. Recording weed distribution in the Otway Eden: Dale Fuller, Parks Victoria
  3. Darcy Duggan Memorial Lecture: Search and detect for weeds; the importance of working out how much you have before starting treatment: Associate Professor Randall Robinson, Executive Director Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities, Victoria University Research, Victoria University

Recording of Webinar  4 on 16th November 2020


Links shared in Webinar  4

1. Environmental weed recognition after fire and taking better photos with a mobile device: Kate Blood and Bianca Gold, Weeds at the Early Stage of Invasion (WESI) Project, DELWP, Statewide, Victoria:

Useful links for weed ID and distribution information

WESI is funded by the Victorian Government by the Weeds and Pests on Public Land Program (WPPL)


2. Recordingweed distribution in the Otway Eden: Dale Fuller, Parks Victoria

Otway Eden and other Eden projects are funded by the Victorian Government through the Weeds and Pests on Public Land Program (WPPL)

These webinars are funded by the Victorian Government’s $22.5 million Bushfire Biodiversity Response and Recovery program. For more information on the BBRR program, visit www.wildlife.vic.gov.au/home/biodiversity-bushfire-response-and-recovery

Regeneration near Falls Creek Image: Kate Blood
Regeneration after fires near Falls Creek - Image: Kate Blood.


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